Historic Life Lines: Preservation Organizations

Resources for historic preservation

shaking hands

pixel National Register of Historic Places
This website contains a treasure trove of information about the National Park Service's National Register. On these pages you can delve into "About the Register" for an overview of the register's programs, see "Listing a Property" to learn more about the process of going historic, and review "Results of Listing" for an explanation of tax benefits. Or visit the Research area to explore the NRIS database of over 71,000 properties already listed on the National Register—searchable by name, location, agency, or theme.

pixel California State Parks—Office of Historic Preservation
This California Preservation office (also known as SHPO) works closely with property owners, local governments, and communities statewide to identify significant historic properties, and is the clearinghouse for the National Register. Their website contains information about the programs they administer; local, state, and national financial incentives; CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act); and criteria for listing resources on the California register.

pixel Arapahoe Acres
The first post-World War II subdivision to be listed as a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places. Arapahoe Acres' website is filled with interesting information about their architecture, preservation grant program, tax credits, home maintenance, and history about the 124-home modernist subdivision that is situated in Englewood, Colorado.

pixel Hollin Hills
Hollin Hills is a neighborhood of 458 contemporary homes located near Alexandria, Virginia. They are in the process of preparing an application for the Historic Register. Their website is a fun place to view the subdivision's history or partake of their 50th anniversary celebration, but it's devoid of register information.

pixel Palo Alto Stanford Heritage Organization
PAST Heritage is a nonprofit organization supporting the preservation of the historic architecture, neighborhoods, and character of the greater Palo Alto-Stanford area through informed citizen involvement and education. They've also been instrumental in supporting preservation efforts of Eichler homes on the peninsula.

pixel DOCOMOMO International
DOCOMOMO, which stands for Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement, is a world-renowned organization aimed at the preservation of modern architecture, fostering appropriate rehabilitation techniques, and educating the public about the significance of the modern movement. Our closest DOCOMOMO ally (the Northern California Chapter), is located in San Francisco and is supportive of the Eichler 'Historic Quest' movement.


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