Tour the World's Modern Architecture at Sonoma Valley Art Museum

Aidlin Darling
The Aidlin Darling exhibit at SVMA.

The Sonoma Valley Museum of Art's Aidlin Darling show is in full swing, and from what we hear, it's worth a visit for the exhibit alone. But for those who want just a little more 'occasion' for their outing, a short series of lectures accompanying the show will be just the thing.

Next Tuesday and the following one (Jan. 14 and 21), art historian Ann Wiklund will be giving a presentation called 'Icons of Modern Architecture,' discussing not just Aidlin Darling but modern architecture in general, and offering a look at some of the world's most iconic buildings.

"It's going to cover a lot of different kinds of buildings. You're going to have public buildings, churches, residences—so you really get the range of architecture and design over the 20th century. You'll also see some new buildings from around the world. It's a virtual trip around the globe," says Margie Maynard, the museum's director of education and public programs.

"I know that Ann's hope is that people will start to understand the qualities that make a building iconic, that make it stand out and have lasting impact. These are the projects that make an architect, or give the architect his or her reputation. She's starting with early buildings, like Frank Lloyd Wright [examples], then talking about the Bauhaus school and their influence on modern architecture, and kind of helping people understand how modernism in general and modern art and architecture have been created hand in hand in the last century."

In addition to the series with Wiklund, the museum will be hosting an event with Joshua Aidlin and David Darling on Saturday January 18. The architects will speak with Architect Stanley Abercrombie and SVMA Executive Director Kate Eilertsen "about their design process, reverence for the land, and thoughtful commitment to engaging our senses through the art of architecture," according to the museum's website.

Wiklund's two-hour lectures are scheduled for 2 p.m. on each of the Tuesday dates, and cost $50 for non-members ($40 for members) for the series. The conversation with Aidlin and Darling is scheduled for 3 p.m. and costs $15 ($12 for members).