Aged in Comfort - Page 3

Carrying on Eichler living into the golden years with independence and satisfaction
Aged in Comfort
San Mateo Highlands Eichler owner Leo Schlocker, 90, with son Dave.
Aged in Comfort
Schlocker's exterior carries on his home's familiar choo-choo motif.
Aged in Comfort
Leo (here with Dave) loves his hobby of operating a model railroad out of his Eichler backyard.

With an eye on maximizing personal safety, Gibbons also had the Safety/Community Relations officer from the local police department perform a safety and security inspection of her home and, following his recommendations, installed improved door locks, outdoor security cameras, and a safe.

Today, Gibbons remains very pleased with the results.

"What allows me to live comfortably in my house is, first and foremost, that I love it," she pointed out. "I feel totally and completely at home with all the glass and openness and spaciousness that it creates, and with the mid-century modern architectural details, which are normal and familiar to me."

Our four sets of senior Eichler owners have at least two major life preferences in common: their Eichler homes continue to suit them well, and they're staying put.

When Fred and Jean Leonard were asked about the possibility one day of leaving their Eichler for a retirement community, Jean made it perfectly clear: "We don't like that idea. There wouldn't be any kids, and nothing but old people. Little old people are not too wonderful to live with."

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