East Meets West: Asian Aesthetic - Page 4

Four Eichler households find some inner peace being at home with the Asian-Japanese aesthetic

Ironically, even as Carter was urging that homes based on its precepts be built in the United States, the traditional Japanese house was disappearing in Japan. As the economy improved after the war, Japan adopted Western styles of living. Today, few Japanese live in traditional homes.

On his last visit to Japan, Imada visited a collection of model homes, each built by a different developer—all very Western. But each had one traditional Japanese-style room, with a tatami floor and a tokonoma. A bit of history remained. "There's always some view of a little garden," Imada said, "and the feeling at the entrance was still very much the feeling of a traditional home."

Photos: Ernie Braun, Kathi O'Leary Photography

Story originally published in 2007

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