As the Bay Area leads the recovery in home prices and fewer are underwater, we take a look at the possibility of life in a literal undersea home.

Let it never be said that readers of The Eichler Network lack for imagination and drive. In our coverage of Lego's new Architecture Studio set, we asked to see your own Lego versions of Eichler houses, and reader Mark Papamarcos, of Sunnyvale, delivered with aplomb.

Brian Narelle on the perils of waiting too long to remodel.

Congratulations to Anne and Mike Cisson, and many thanks to all our participants.

As communities turn 50 and 60, neighbors are getting together to celebrate--if they weren't already.

Courtesy of the always-hilarious Brian Narelle.

He says it's technically possible, economically viable, and an alternative to California's high-speed rail. But he's not willing to build it.

Architecture Studio includes building components and a book of concepts but no instructions. Just 137 days til Christmas.