For mid-century modern house flippers in this now-booming market, the name of the game is targeting sales to fans of the style, even if that means a larger investment. That is, if they can even find inventory to begin with.

Expert tips for keeping your house cooler and greener this summer as the temperatures crank upward.

After a tumultuous month of victories and defeats for preservationists, KQED's Michael Krasny moderates a discussion "addressing property rights, preservation, and the impact of architecture on our communities."

Revisiting some of the early work of intrepid Eichler cartoonist Brian Narelle: This stuff never gets old!

With summer just around the corner, we've got swimming on the mind, but not any old hole in the ground will do. Check out our mini guide to mid-century modern swimming spots in California.

Welcome to Ask an Expert, a new feature in which we put your questions to our network of service providers. Today, a reader wonders about the pros and cons of replacing a circuit breaker versus the whole electrical panel.

Built by Popular Mechanics editor Thomas Stimson in 1955, the house is selling for $1.8 million, but you'll have to install your own helipad.

The upcoming Mid-Century Modern Homes Tour is just one of several design-oriented bike rides coming up this summer from Sacramento's Design Rides.

Plans for original Neutras, Eichlers, and other mid-century modern homes are increasingly available for sale. But how much you'll pay and where you can get them depends on what you want to do with them. And the rates vary widely.

It's t-shirt weather, so why not sport an Eichler? A reader shares some Highlands shirts he's printed, and we've got a few more favorites to share.