
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

Cozy, Cordial & Cooperative
Palo Alto’s Meadowcreek Eichler condos—where tight quarters make for a tight-knit community vibe
Man with a Camera Traveling in Time
Fred Lyon looks over the shoulder at mid-century Bay Area—in his upbeat world of enduring images
Eastward Ho
New York’s trio of bonafide Eichlers—an anomaly with something magical going on
Research Trumps Rumor
Why it matters that Steve Jobs' 'likeler' is no Eichler
Two with a View
Often misunderstood, Eichler’s original two-story homes are a rare breed that startle some, but surely please their owners
City on a Hill
Joe Eichler’s tower and co-op at San Francisco’s Laguna Heights are holding up well 50 years after their debut as model neighborhoods
Built to Blast
Friendly fallout of the Cold War, Blomberg’s ‘bomb-resistant’ concrete homes represent a colorful chapter of mid-century modern Sacramento
Cliff May's 'Hacienda Modern'
Hardly a mainstream modernist, Cliff May made rustic-looking homes as modern as they come
Eichler Tract a Class Act
Twenty enthusiastic high schoolers team up with the Los Angeles Conservancy to keep alive suburbia's modern architectural heritage
Bill Krisel Interview
Architect Bill Krisel talks about the Alexanders of Palm Springs and building San Fernando Valley
Kaufmann House
By saving Neutra's Kaufmann house, its owners helped to spur Palm Springs' modern revival
Swiss Misses
Amid mystery and misgivings, the chalet-like Swiss Miss homes have fans soaring with affection
Wexler's Palm Springs Steel
Dreaming in steel: Palm Springs' tiny enclave of seven modern steel homes is a desert landmark.
Living the Atrium Life
From yoga studio to party den to concert hall— the Eichler home hosts them all at center court
Desert Delights - Palm Springs
Stunning sights and rich legacy - climb aboard our grand tour of the best of Palm Springs modern
Green Fairway Estates - Palm Springs
An exotic, quirky hideaway, this Palm Springs tract recently rediscovered its Alexander roots
Green Fairway Estates - Palm Springs
An exotic, quirky hideaway, this Palm Springs tract recently rediscovered its Alexander roots
The Alexander Homes
Behind the pioneering Alexanders and their 2,500 modern homes that changed the face of Palm Springs
The Alexander Homes
Behind the pioneering Alexanders and their 2,500 modern homes that changed the face of Palm Springs
Forgotten Giant
Once the ‘miracle man’ behind more than 40,000 tract homes, Southern California architect Edward H. Fickett and his modern hybrids slip back into the limelight