
Profiles and mentions of the mid-century modern neighborhoods you love

Eichler Crazy in Fairglen - San Jose
Fairglen is Eichler crazy—but its 'neighborliness' is even more infectious, making it a great place to live
Eichler Crazy in Fairglen - San Jose
Fairglen is Eichler crazy—but its 'neighborliness' is even more infectious, making it a great place to live
The Spirit of Evergreen Commons - Sacramento
Sacramento's Evergreen Commons shines with communal spirit thanks to its vital village green
The Spirit of Evergreen Commons - Sacramento
Sacramento's Evergreen Commons shines with communal spirit thanks to its vital village green
The Modest Modern of Encino Village - Encino
Encino Village of San Fernando Valley gains fame with its quirky mix of well-preserved architectural styles
The Modest Modern of Encino Village - Encino
Encino Village of San Fernando Valley gains fame with its quirky mix of well-preserved architectural styles
Loving the Highlife in Crestwood Hills - Los Angeles
Cooperative housing pioneer to landmark honors—Crestwood Hills savors its affection for modernism
Loving the Highlife in Crestwood Hills - Los Angeles
Cooperative housing pioneer to landmark honors—Crestwood Hills savors its affection for modernism
The Elite Modern of Corbin Palms - Woodland Hills
Sparked by a renewed interest in modernism, life's looking up for Corbin Palms' Alexanders
The Elite Modern of Corbin Palms - Woodland Hills
Sparked by a renewed interest in modernism, life's looking up for Corbin Palms' Alexanders
The Eichlers of Balboa Highlands - Granada Hills
Lights, cameras, and actions point these Eichlers to a distinguished future as a 'historic' neighborhood
The Eichlers of Balboa Highlands - Granada Hills
Lights, cameras, and actions point these Eichlers to a distinguished future as a 'historic' neighborhood
East Meets West: Asian Aesthetic
Four Eichler households find some inner peace being at home with the Asian-Japanese aesthetic
Valley of the Artists: Lucas Valley - San Rafael
Beneath Lucas Valley's hills of inspiration a special creative renaissance is on the rise
One Voice, Twin Palms - Palm Springs
Hollywood and desert lore distinguish the legend of croon king Frank Sinatra's original desert digs
The Summit (a.k.a. the Eichler Summit)
Once a tower of controversy and Eichler's dream, meet this legend of 'non-pretentious elegance'
Work in Progress: 19th Avenue - San Mateo
Nineteenth Avenue Park—building community in a hidden Eichler enclave of urban San Mateo
Work in Progress: 19th Avenue - San Mateo
Nineteenth Avenue Park—building community in a hidden Eichler enclave of urban San Mateo
Historic Quest: Eichlers in the National Register
At last—Eichlers get their place in history, reach the National Register of Historic Places
Eichler Subdivisions: Eichler's Early Years: 1951-'52
Award-winning experiments of design innovation—touring Eichler's early California subdivisions