Who’ll Build ‘Dream House’?

Amazing cantilevered steel-and-glass home in wild video is yours for a mere $53 million
Fridays on the Homefront
Steel frames certainly played a significantly role in the development of MCM architecture. But move forward 60 years—and the new modern-style ‘Magnificent Cantilever Home’ from the design imagination of Next Generation Living Homes seems to take modern-style residential steel to an over-the-top, majestic level.
The company’s new video, a computer-generated ride around and through the 9,600-square-foot house, is out of this world—a must see! All photos: courtesy Next Generation Living Homes
Fridays on the Homefront
Fridays on the Homefront
Fridays on the Homefront
Next Generation Living Homes' company head JP Dzahr.

Have you seen the flashy 'majestic modern' video that just came out?  What a smash!

No, we're not talking about 'Mad Men' making an ill-advised jump to the big screen. In this flick, a reportedly $53-million value, the acting is thin and the script somewhat improbable, but what a juicy plot! And the special effects are out of this world!

Click here for a wild ride of your own!

We refer, partly in jest, to the computer rendering of a new design proposal from Next Generation Living Homes. The first home from the three-year-old firm's designs has yet to be built, but they certainly are on the cutting edge in presentation.

"The modern majestic home—that's what I'm trying to build here," says company founder and chief project manager JP Dzahr. "Right now, all I'm doing is designing them and offering the architectural rendering for people to build."

But what renderings they are. In fact, all eight of the designs featured at the Next Generation Living Homes website are truly architectural eye candy, but none more so than the modern-style 'Magnificent Cantilever Home.'

One reason is that most don't have the eye-popping web video of this three-story fantasy house, which features eight beds and 12 baths on three stories of 9,663 interior square feet.

The video also shows off another 5,000 square feet of porch and balcony space with gorgeous water features—some of which defy expectation or perhaps even reason.

"It is pushing the boundaries of what is structurally feasible," concedes DZahr, who started his company after running a real estate firm specializing in Super Bowl week rentals and several years as a website developer for large corporations like Boeing, Microsoft, and Kodak.

One can't help but agree with the "pushing the boundaries" part after seeing the infinity pool extending like a spectacular gangplank from the multi-level mansion. The question is whether it's within said boundaries, but regardless, there's no denying the entertainment value of the plan for a modernist who enjoys flights of fancy.

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